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This interview is from Delroy Beckford. He shares his perspectives on fatherhood. The article is the latest in the fatherhood series.

Margo: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Delroy: I am a father of three children, and husband of one wife. I am in my late fifties and have been married for twenty-nine (29) years.
Margo: What do you like most about being a father?

Delroy: I like when we are all together, whether we are on the road or at home. I also like being at their games as their number one supporter, and I like when we go on vacation.
Margo: What has been the most challenging thing about being a father?
Delroy: One of the most challenging things about being a father is to exercise tough love. I just don’t have it in me to be tough on them.
Margo: What has been the biggest lesson(s) you’ve learnt about being a father?
Delroy: One of the biggest lessons I have learnt about being a father is loving my children equally without having or showing favouritism. I also learnt patience and tolerance, and how to slow down and listen.
Margo: How has your own childhood influenced your fathering?
Delroy: My childhood influenced me to be present in my children’s life as I didn’t have much of my father in mine. I also try to give my children some of the things I would have liked to get when I was growing up; that is, things that my mother could not afford.
Margo: What do you think is/are the biggest misconception(s) about Jamaican fathers and what about Jamaican fathers do you want people to know?
Delroy: Most Jamaican fathers are thought of as missing in action and lazy. This is not generally the case as they are sometimes not given a fair chance to contribute to the life of their child/children. I would like people to know that Jamaican fathers can be very supportive in the home as a mother would be.
Margo: As a new father, have you felt like you needed support? If so, where do you turn to for that support?
Delroy: As a new father, I needed and got support from family, particularly, from my mother-in-law who moved in with us for a few weeks. This was very invaluable.
Margo: Do you think fathers are getting the support they need or do we need to do more as a society to support fathers? If fathers need support, how can we do better as a society to support them?

Delroy: It is difficult to know if fathers get meaningful support. However, I think they will accept any support given; most fathers desire to be good fathers. I believe fathers, or men on a whole, believe financial support is their biggest contribution and if they are not able to financially support the home they sometimes wilt under pressure and disappear.
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